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Unlock your positive impact with our sustainability training: Think Global, Act Local: Finding Solutions for Sustainability Challenges

What does it mean to live and to act sustainably? In this training on sustainability, you will explore its social, economic, and environmental dimensions using the framework of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – developing an impactful solution towards sustainability in your personal and professional life.

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Why a training on sustainability might benefit you

Living sustainably isn't just about recycling or carrying reusable bags. It's a mindset shift that changes every aspect of your life: Your personal everyday life as well as your actions at your workplace or as a member of an organization. Your sustainable mindset impacts your decisions, actions, and overall impact on the planet. It's about conscious living that seeks to balance human needs with the well-being of the environment for generations to come. Acting in a more sustainable way can look like this:

  • Making informed choices about the products you buy, the food you eat, and the energy you use. Reducing your carbon footprint and supporting ethical businesses that prioritize sustainability.
  • Embracing mindful consumption, resisting the urge for impulse purchases, and cherishing experiences over material possessions. Repairing, reusing, and upcycling whenever possible.
  • Building community and connection, collaborating with others to create positive change. Sharing knowledge, skills, and resources to collectively address sustainability challenges.
  • Living with intention, understanding the interconnectedness of everything, and striving to leave a positive mark on the world. Celebrating small victories and continuously learning and adapting.

Sustainable living is about taking steps, big and small, that create a positive ripple effect. It is about aligning your values with your actions and striving to make a difference, one mindful choice at a time. Enroll in the sustainability training and start your journey to a more impactful (working) life!

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Who can benefit from our online course in sustainability?

This sustainability training is suited for anyone who wants to gain a comprehensive understanding of the SDGs and learn how to operate sustainably in their everyday life as well as acting as an agent for a company or an organization. This online course is perfect for you if you …

  • are eager to learn more about sustainability and sustainable development
  • strive to find solutions for any projects towards sustainability
  • bear responsibility concerning sustainability in your place of work and/ or organization and want to become more fluent in acting sustainably on a professional level
  • are a member of a club, a society and/or a political party and want to implement a more sustainable way of working
If you are specifically interested in sustainable entrepreneurship with a focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR), you may also like the course Sustainable Business – An Ethical Approach to Entrepreneurship.

What you will gain from our training on sustainability

This training will equip you with knowledge on sustainability on a macro level as well as a micro level. You will …

  • get a fundamental knowledge about the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • uncover your personal sustainability values and define what living according to them means for you
  • explore strategies for sustainable decision-making for reducing your environmental impact in all areas of your (professional) life
  • learn from inspiring examples, define one specific sustainability challenge in your sphere of influence and develop an impactful solution in your organization or personal life
  • use Design Thinking as a tool to work on your personal sustainability challenge, going through the phases of inspiration, ideation, and implementation
For more information, please see the syllabus of our training on sustainability.

Learn more about the sustainability course in this video by instructor Ursel Biester.

By watching the video you can find out if your English skills are sufficient to follow the course.

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Think Global, Act Local: Finding Solutions for Sustainability Challenges at a glance

The next training on sustainability will take place during Fall Term 2024, starting September 9. Here is an overview of what you can expect of our offer:

Course format

100% online course with live sessions as well as asynchronous work in between

Course duration fall term

September 9 - October 21, 2024 (7 weeks)

Live sessions fall term
  • Monday, September 9, 2024, 2.30 – 4.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
  • Monday, September 30, 2024, 2.30 – 4.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 2.30 – 4.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
Registration deadline fall term August 12, 2024


4 hours/ week

Language of instruction



  • English language abilities in speaking and writing, at least Level B2
  • The willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
  • An openness to explore and reflect on possibilities for change and sustainable development in your professional and/or private life

Technical requirements

A stable internet connection as well as a quiet work environment

Course fees

650 Euros + 75 Euros for registration

Receive a discount of 75 Euros on your registration for a second course!


Certificate of attendance from Freie Universität Berlin

Additional Badge

By attending two more courses in the area

  • Sustainable Thinking

you will receive the badge Certified Expert with an additional certificate, stating all courses that you have completed. You will get a discount of 150 Euros by booking your third FUB-ContinuEd course. Find out more.

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Course review

Abid Faheem, India

The course provided me with a thorough insight into the global sustainability issues and how we can address them. As I come from the field of the development sector, the course proved to be quite beneficial for me in acquiring new perspectives and learning. Exciting and enlightening interactions with colleagues, course experts, and the course facilitator enriched the learning experience.

Meet your instructor

Ursel Biester                     

Ursel Biester enjoys accompanying people in their personal and professional development and does so in her role as trainer, facilitator, and coach. After working as a consultant for Design Thinking at a Berlin based company, she founded her own company Trekstones with which she is implementing EU-funded projects with a focus on transformative learning.

How to register

You want to participate in the course Think global, act local: Finding solutions for sustainability challenges? Then follow the link below and read more about our fees and registration policies before heading on to registration itself.

Please note: The registration deadline is 4 weeks prior to the start of each course (see specific deadline above).

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If you have further questions, please get in touch!

Maria Heckmann
Program Manager