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Resilience and Mindful Stress Prevention: Conquer any challenge with our resilience training

Everyone experiences stress: colleagues, friends, family – even you. In today's fast-paced world, demands and time pressure can leave us feeling tense and stretched thin. This can negatively impact not only our performance but also our motivation and health. In this resilience training, you develop a toolbox to reduce stress and reclaim balance.

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What is resilience training – and how you can benefit from it?

The term resilience describes the ability to adapt to challenging situations like change, trauma, or a threat. People with high levels of resilience are not necessarily immune to stress or hardship, but they have the tools and resources to effectively cope with them and emerge stronger. They can manage their emotions, adapt to setbacks, and maintain a positive outlook even under pressure. Resilience training utilizes various methods and techniques to strengthen your resilience. These may include:

  • Relaxation techniques: Learn practices like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga to reduce stress and promote calmness.
  • Mindfulness: Learn to focus your attention on the present moment, gaining a deeper understanding of your thoughts and emotions.
  • Communication skills: Enhance your ability to effectively communicate your needs and feelings, fostering positive conflict resolution.
  • Problem-solving and coping skills: Develop the ability to identify and change negative thought patterns, improving your approach to challenging situations.

Why is resilience training important?

Resilience can help you with your relationships, your personal goals, and in your work life. You can benefit from it if you are…

  • experiencing a lot of change in your life, e.g., if you have recently experienced loss or if you are relocating
  • working long hours and/or in a challenging work environment
  • easily frustrated and feel you have a negative mindset toward certain topics

Taking a course in resilience training and stress management can benefit you on different levels. Enroll now to lead a healthier and happier life!

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Who can benefit from our stress management and resilience training?

Do you want to deal constructively with challenging situations that your (work) life throws at you? Then this course is for you! Upon completing our resilience training, you will leave with a renewed sense of control, armed with practical skills to manage stress, and an enhanced overall well-being.

What you will learn in the resilience and stress management course

In this stress management and resilience training, you will identify stress factors in your professional as well as personal life. Based on scientific research, you will develop your own strategies for self-leadership and stress management. The goal is for you to maintain your work efficiency and zest for life – whatever it has in store for you. You will learn how to implement practical strategies covering stress relief, resilience building, mindfulness, self-organization, and self-care.

You will be able to engage in sharing your experiences, interactive exercises, and personalized assignments to cultivate lasting resilience. Join the course to empower and equip yourself with the tools to elevate your well-being, reclaim balance and thus tackle life's challenges in a mindful and healthy way.

For more information, please see our syllabus of the resilience training.

Learn more about the resilience training in this video by instructor Saskia Vellguth.

By watching the video you can find out if your English skills are sufficient to follow the course.

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Resilience and Mindful Stress Prevention at a glance

The next resilience training will take place during Fall Term 2024, starting September 16. Here is an overview of what you can expect of our offer:

Course format

100% online course with live sessions as well as asynchronous work in between

Course duration

September 16 – October 28, 2024 (7 weeks)

Live sessions

  • Monday, September 16, 2024, 4.30 – 6.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
  • Monday, October 7, 2024, 4.30 – 6.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CEST)
  • Monday, October 28, 2024, 4.30 – 6.00 p.m. Berlin Time (CET)

Registration deadline

August 19, 2024


4 hours/ week

Language of instruction



  • English language abilities in speaking and writing, at least Level B2
  • The willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
  • An openness for interaction and sharing your personal experiences within the group

Technical requirements

A stable internet connection as well as a quiet work environment

Course fees

650 Euros + 75 Euros for registration

Receive a discount of 75 Euros on your registration for a second course!


Certificate of attendance from Freie Universität Berlin

Additional Badge

By attending two more courses in the area

  • Personal Management

you will receive the badge Certified Expert with an additional certificate, stating all courses that you have completed. You will get a discount of 150 Euros by booking your third FUB-ContinuEd course. Find out more.

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Meet your instructor

Saskia Vellguth

Saskia Vellguth works as a consultant, coach, and certified trainer for positive psychology. She has more than 20 years of expertise and international experience in designing and delivering organizational development programs and trainings. She works for international companies as well as for start-ups and individuals. At FUB-ContinuEd she also teaches the course Positive Leadership and Change Management: Mastering Current and Future Challenges.

How to register

You want to participate in the course Resilience and Mindful Stress Prevention? Then follow the link below and read more about our fees and registration policies before heading on to registration itself.

Please note: The registration deadline is 4 weeks prior to the start of each course (see specific deadlines above).

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If you have further questions, please get in touch!

Maria Heckmann
Program Manager